Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A hero

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds       
 the strength to persevere and endure in spite 
of overwhelming obstacles." 
                                              -Christopher Reeve 
A hero does not, necessary, have to be a famous person. A hero is a person who defines the words "I'll give my life to save you". In the quote, I agree with a hero could be an ordinary person because it can. Also, be a real person.I agree with, it because people can overcome obstacles because that is the definition of a hero. My mother is my hero. She is the one who tells me,"You are my son, and I'll give my life to save you". I love my mom. She is the one who wakes me up every morning to go to school. She is the one who helps me  and gives me  advice to do better in school and shes also there for me thorugh bad and good and i love my mom for been there for me and helping me though hard times.

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